Happy New Year!

Happy 2018, friends!

My husband, Bodie, the two dogs, and myself headed up to the Adirondacks to celebrate the holidays.  The drive was LONG.  Like 24 hours not counting stops.  Most of the drive went very well, and we had time to talk about life, passions, projects, and random silliness. 

When we got up to New York, it got very very cold.  We are talking lows of -20, and highs of 0 (one day the high was -10).  We spent a lot of time inside, baking, and playing with Bodie.  We did make it outside though, and took Bodie sledding.  He hated getting dressed in all of the layers, but loved the snow once he got outside.  He's a beach boy, like mama.  It brought so many memories of my childhood.  I grew up sledding down this little hill on our quiet dead end street with the neighborhood kids (who all felt like cousins to me).

It was a great trip, but I'm happy to be home and working hard to get back into a routine. I wanted to share some of the things I'm working on these days in my personal life.  Read on if you're interested...

  • Meal Planning.  This is something I SERIOUSLY struggle with.  I have a tendency to grocery shop almost every day, and eat and cook on the fly.  That works sometimes, but it's problematic for three major reasons.  1) You end up spending too much money.  2) You waste time shopping. 3) You tend not to eat as healthy. 
  • More yoga and HIIT.  Last year, I was doing HIIT workouts 4+ times a week.  I felt so strong and energized by it.  I'm not sure what happened, but this fall, they seemed to disappear from my life entirely.  I'm making a solid effort to have these short but intense workouts 3x a week.  Bodie comes along for all of this.  Which also brings me to yoga.  Longer practices with core work.  I have realized that Bodie has to be on my mat with me... if I wait for alone time, it just does not happen.  Yesterday I did a long practice with tons of core work, and felt awesome after.  More of this, please.
  • Going to bed an hour earlier.  Enough said.  
  • I am the most organized and my days are driven by intention (which is the entire premise of everything I talk about) when I use a journal and planner.  For some reason, maybe laziness, I just stopped making the time to plan.  It leads me to feel so anxious and like I'm running around in circles.  I just purchased a Passion Planner, and am SO excited to start using it.  I will report back, and let ya'll (I'm turning southern, aren't I?) know what I think of it.  It is so important that I use my days wisely to balance out my lifestyle, motherhood, and business.
  • Small home projects.  Somewhere in our minimalist living clutter started creeping it.  I'm going through things, creating space, and donating donating donating.  One area that I'm struggling with is Bodie's toys.  They seem to be EVERYWHERE.  If you don't know, we currently live in a little over 600 square foot apartment.  We have one bedroom.  It's very important that we don't have junk drawers, cluttered shelving, etc.  I feel better living with less.  I'm trying hard to make our living room feel more stylish and happy.  I also recently sold all of my older photography equipment to have a more minimal set up.  
  • My husband and I decided that we need to create a bucket list of places to visit.  There are so many places we want to travel to, both near and far, and unless we have a list and plan, it won't happen.  We are putting together a list and vision board to inspire us that is in our kitchen.  Some places on the list right now are Nashville, the Keys, Utah, a road trip through California, and Alaska.
  • The Airstream.  The restoration has become a priority again.  We cannot wait to travel with it as a family.

That's it for now!  What are you focusing on these days?  

With love,

Lindsay :)

P.S. Below are some of my favorite photos of one of our sledding outings.  
