2020 Intentions and Aspirations

Hey friends,



We had a super mellow New Year’s Eve here. We ended up staying in, and falling asleep around 10pm. I woke up around midnight, gave my husband a kiss, and went to bed. This was so good.  We woke up on New Year’s Day feeling fresh and amazing…  took a long beach walk, had really healthy and yummy food, practiced yoga, and relaxed.

I spent the last several weeks thinking about what I wanted to bring into existence in 2020. It’s just a silly day on a calendar, yes, nothing magical happens, and most resolutions fail; however, I have felt massive energy and creativity moving into this new year. I think a lot of people have, and so, I’m running with it, and thinking you probably should, too?

Bringing an intention from thought into physical form requires a lot of energy work, getting into alignment, mindset, and attention.  You have to do the inner work.  You just have to.  Coming from a place of lack, desperation, stress, and control will not allow you to create the beautiful life you intend to.  It just doesn’t work (I’ve tried, trust me).  So don’t neglect your personal development.  Be detailed with your desires. Write down exactly what you want.  Get super specific. Trust the process as if you already have everything in physical form already. Read your list frequently, especially before meditating or going to sleep. And then let go of all attachment to the outcome.


My intentions and aspirations for 2020

I will choose and prioritize my physical, emotional, and spiritual health.  Every single day we are faced with choices, and I will follow the path that supports my wellbeing as a whole.  Nothing strict or rigid.  Just good choices… lots of yoga, eating plants, meditating daily, barefoot walks without technology.

I will share more of who I truly am, uncensored and unfiltered, not worrying about what anyone thinks of me.  More little moments.  More real life.  More of my passionate and strong opinions that may annoy certain folks and empower others.

I will publish my first ebook.  It is already in draft form. ;)

My online business will continue to grow and my team will expand.  I will mentor, coach, and support many new individuals as they choose to reclaim their lives and build abundant and thriving online businesses.  My husband will join the business this winter… so excited to work with him btw.

I will be more present with Bodie when we are together.  I will leave my phone home or in the car, while we explore.  We will spend a lot of time expressing ourselves creatively and in nature.  We will start our homeschool journey together, even though we kind of already have.  I’ll share more on that this year.

We will move into our new space this spring.  It will be more open and spacious than our current situation.  Plenty of natural light for my plants.  Space for crystals and candles.  More room for Bodie and the dogs to move about freely.  A place for me to work that is not the kitchen counter.  It will still be small and our materialistic things kept to a minimum.  We will be surrounded by lots of plants and palm trees and it will be quiet.

I will take two courses this year (I’ll share the details when I do this) to deepen my practices, expand my mind, and allow me to better serve others.

I will have a garden, and be even more environmentally conscious than ever before.  I’m tired of plastic waste, and even though I’m aware, I feel like I can still do better.

I will explore more avenues of creative expression, and make more time for this individually and as a family.  More painting, more photography, learning videography, more cooking beautiful meals, and so forth.

I will buy my parents a Kangen water machine.

I will have my most financially abundant year ever.  For every dollar I spend, I will attract four more.  I will be completely free of financial stress, and support my family fully.

I will let go even more…

I’m sending every single person who reads this love, blessings, abundance, and good vibes for the new year. Please take a moment to close your eyes and receive it.

