with lindsay

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How’s it going? Let’s hop right to it. I want to talk about my slight rebrand! A new name and some new colors… but it’s just so much more than that, and I’d like to share a bit of my evolution with you all today.

My personal brand is an extension of who I am. It is a physical manifestation of my passions and purpose that allows me to share it with the world. It’s my art, my self-expression.

I’ve been feeling that I’ve outgrown @lindsaymariebythesea for months now, and that it was time to step into what’s next. Although nothing felt right to me for some time. Just ask Ed, and how many times he had to listen to me talk about this— haha! Husband of the year for him.

And then @with_lindsay came to me out of the blue, and it just, well, felt right. It’s simple. It’s me. It doesn’t put me in a box.

This past 16ish months… wow. It’s been wild.  I’ve shown up for myself in new ways.

I am not same person I was a year ago.

I’ve expanded. Cracked wide open.

First, I have embodied being a lifestyle entrepreneur, and created a business and community that has freed myself while freeing others. It’s a way of living that allows us to pursue our callings, opens a true portal to abundance, health, meaningful relationships, and expansion. I read about it for years, but actually immersing myself into this way of life has been one of the most incredible experiences that’s allowed me to evolve.

I am f r e e.

Secondly, I have actively questioned e v e r y t h i n g deeper than ever before. I’ve worked to become aware of my beliefs, where they stem from, and how many of them came in through society’s teaching rather than inward. I know that this shift just scratches the surface of a lifelong journey, but I’m feeling it right now, more than ever. I want to continue to shatter those beliefs as I dive into the realm of infinite possibilities. I want to continue to pull away from the matrix, shifting to my intuitive guides more than ever.... And I want to tell you all about it!

I have this deeper sense of who I am, what I want out of life, what my purpose is, what this online space means to me, and all that is possible.

Third, With Lindsay exists for me to share my journey with you so we can journey along with me. It exists as a guide, a means to empower you, while you discover your why, embrace your purpose, step into your sovereignty, and design your dream reality, too.

While I’ve always wondered why I am here (like why does existence even exist?? Do not ponder that one around bedtime or you won’t sleep either), I feel more clarity than ever before. A deeper knowing that moves beyond reason.

Life is happening now, and it’s not nearly as serious as we have made it out to be. It’s meant to be lived freely, creatively, full of adventure. This is a time to enjoy our physical reality, fully… whatever that means to whoever is reading this. It is unique to us all.

This is empowerment.

This is being a creator of one’s own reality.

This is being an artist of life.

This is alchemy…

with me. :)

Thank you for being here.

Thank you for witnessing my expansion.

its me