Are EMFs cooking your cells?
EMFs have always been one of those things that I didn’t really like, but I also just accepted. What am I going to do? Stop the advancement of technology? Live in a cabin in the middle of the woods with zero WiFi or cell service? On top of that, I earn a living as a digital nomad using my laptop, phone, and WiFi… but this fall, the 5G tower on my morning dog walk to the beach bothered me. I didn’t like that I was subjected to it. And one afternoon, when I got on my laptop to work on a project, I noticed by laptop was picking up 22 WiFi networks… That was my line in the sand.
Digital devices include phones, laptops, iPads, kindles, alexas, baby monitors, and so forth. Many of these devices are also wireless, meaning there is a bluetooth signal being used. While these wireless devices make life easy, our health becomes the trade off.
Every digital device emits invisible energy waves, called electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
There are two categories of EMFs.
Low frequency EMF radiation: Lower frequencies than visible light + non-iodizing radiation. Examples include laptops, lights, microwaves, WiFi, cell phones, anything with bluetooth, and power lines.
High frequency EMF radiation: Hight frequencies than visible light + ionizing radiation. Examples include ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays.
image from National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
There are currently over 10,000 studies showing evidence that EMFs are damaging to our health. But nothing is changing…
EMFs have been linked to cancer, heart disease, fertility issues, sperm and testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, endocrine disturbances, headaches, depression + anxiety, irritability, restlessness, memory changes, obesity, oxidative stress + DNA damage, learning disabilities, sleep disturbances, metabolism, autism, ADHD, and more (the list is exhaustive and all encompassing). Microwave syndrome is the term for neuropsychiatric effects caused by EMFs, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is more and more recognized by health authorities and courts of law.
There are currently 255 EMF scientists from 44 nations who are urgently calling about the UN and others organizations for greater EMF protection.
For years people have been saying to just turn your WiFi off at night, put your phone on airplane mode, and carry certain crystals in your pockets to protect yourself. But if you have neighbors, you always have WiFi exposure. You likely have power lines surrounding your home, and electrical wiring in your walls… and probably even a refrigerator, air conditioner, and ceiling fan. And then add in 3G, 4G, and 5G signals that are literally everywhere cooking our brains and penetrating our cells… there is no “just turn it off” option anymore.
This is invisible pollution of the worst kind.
EMF Mitigation
Back to the intro of this blog post… I hit my line in the sand. There was no more blindly accepting this. My family’s health is my priority.
So I purchased a Somavedic EMF mitigator.
Somavedics eliminate the influence of 3G, 4G, 5G, and geopathic zones. The vedic model, the device I purchased, covers a 100 foot radius, and is great for homes, offices, hospitals, schools, and so forth.
I was very hesitant to purchase one of these babies… How would I know if it was really working, and would all the benefits be placebo? After scouring the internet, I learned that Somavedic has a 99%+ approval rating, meaning virtually all of their customers are satisfied and happy. I’ve honestly never heard of an approval rating like that… and I personally only work with incredible companies, but still, that’s ridiculously high. I read countless testimonials, and studied the research that has been done.
Somavedic’s effects have been measured by different independent laboratories and has been shown to have positive results on our cells and bodies. Results so far have shown positive effects on the cardiovascular system, nervous system, greater physical and psychological well-being, and better duration and quality of sleep.
What have we noticed?
Better sleep. Hands down. This has been the biggest change for our entire family. My son who I’ve mentioned on previous posts struggles with sensory processing disorder, and he has been sleeping better than ever since we purchased the Somavedic. He is calmer, better focused, and less irritable, too. It was interesting to me that a lot of the Sensory Processing and ADHD symptoms that we deal with overlap with the EMF symptoms I mentioned above.
I have had better dream recall, which is very exciting as dreams are something I’m extremely passionate about. Our home feels calmer and more peaceful.
I’m excited to share that I got you guys a 10% off discount on a Somavedic. Just use WITHLINDSAY when checking out.
Other ways I protect my family from EMFs:
Limit bluetooth devices. You can find me wearing old fashioned headphones. I also don’t have an alexa or similar product… not to mention that I feel like they’re always listening to you. eek.
Grounding. Walking barefoot on the Earth has been shown to protect against EMF damage. And what’s awesome about this is that it’s free! :) Your body is conductive, and the AC field inside your body goes down to almost zero when in contact with the Earth (no shoes or sidewalks though— literally barefoot to Earth.) We will cover this topic in a future post because there’s a lot more to it.
I also drink electrolyzed reduced water which fights oxidative damage, and repairs/protects from cellular and DNA damage. Molecular hydrogen is a massive protector against cellular damage from radiation. Every glass of water I consume is therefore healing and protecting my cells.
And there you have it. This is really just scratching the surface on EMFs, but I hope it gets you taking note of your family’s EMF exposure, and provides you will some options to help protect yourselves.
With love,