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coaching Lindsay Havlicek Bell coaching Lindsay Havlicek Bell

What's the Difference Between Therapy and Coaching?

Before I had my son in 2015, I was working as a full time school psychologist and clinical psychologist. 90% of my work was psychological assessments and therapy. But I had also undergone training for coaching, and the other 10% of my clients were coaching clients. In addition, many of my therapy clients also cared about optimizing their lives, and so I would implement coaching strategies into my work with them. The industry as a whole looked very different.

Fast forward to 2022, and the coaching industry has literally exploded— which is great! Everyone can benefit from coaching. A good coach can fast track progress, and make a huge impact on the quality of someone’s life.

With the explosion of coaching, I believe it’s very important to distinguish the difference between therapy and coaching, as lines have been blurred. Many coaches (think mindset coaches for one example) are actually practicing therapy without a license and don’t know it, or they’re working within an area that they don’t have adequate training in…

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life design, coaching Lindsay Havlicek Bell life design, coaching Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Why Hire a Coach?

Hiring a coach is going to facilitate transformation at a much quicker rate than going at it alone by leveraging human psychology.

Here are some examples of common reasons behind hiring a coach:

• finding fulfillment;

• needing to make health + lifestyle changes;

• needing to overcome limiting beliefs…

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