Lindsay Havlicek Bell, Psy.D.

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Reflecting on 2019

Hey you,

I’m sitting on my rattan daybed, surrounded by plants, Bodie playing with his toys, and our black lab, Izzy, begging me for the last bit of lunch, a mix of avocados and chickpeas tossed with herbs, kalamata olives, and olive oil (10/10 recommend). I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on how much I’ve evolved since this time last year, as the closing of a calendar year feels like a perfect time to do so. 2019 has been a year of growth for me, mentally and spiritually, and I want to share a bit about that before I dive into the next post— my 2020 intentions. I feel like a new person, perceptions have transformed, and my purpose has become clear.

Here we go…

My biggest transformation has been my money mindset, hands down. I have stopped accepting the fact that leaving my 9-5, almost 5 years ago now (say what??), means a life of being stressed out over finances. When I initially rejected the 9-5 life, I rejected all things that came with that, including the idea of financial security. I fought it until early 2019 when I realized that I was sick of living this way, and that it did not feel like a sustainable option for the long term. Something needed to shift. So with divine timing, a new opportunity presented itself, an abundant business that aligned with me.  I jumped, and trusted I’d figure out how to fly on the way down. And what I realized was that it wasn’t just financial security anymore that I wanted. It was total financial abundance and complete freedom to live and give as I desire. I believe we are unable to fulfill our soul’s purpose without this abundance (I know someone may disagree here, and that is okay). How can you live life to the fullest, truly be of service to others, and enjoy all the things your physical time on earth has to offer if you are lacking the financial compensation and the time freedom to do so?

With this new opportunity and this new mindset, my work and life as an entrepreneur has shifted. Yes, you can still book a photoshoot with me, but photoshoots are no longer what I rely upon financially… and that has freed up my art and creativity in the best possible way. I’ve been coaching and empowering a beautiful team of humans who want a life of design and a business of abundance and freedom. My team is growing, and I feel so much momentum moving into the new year. Lives are transforming, seeds are being planted, mindsets are shifting, bodies are healing, and souls are living in expansion in ways only thought possible in dreams. If you’ve been considering working with me, now is the time. The shift is happening, and it feels epic moving forward. Don’t wait until another year has passed by with the same old things happening.

2019 was also the year that my marriage hit the next level. Ed and I had a deep conversation this fall about where we see ourselves going, how we can better support each other, and how we can let go a little in order to truly love each other without conditions. This wasn’t a 90 degree turn or anything for us. We have always had an amazing, loving, trusting, and supportive partnership… but in a sense, we freed each other with this conversation. We agreed that we aren’t going to spend our lives together simply because we vowed to back in 2010. Our time together is a choice, and we choose to show up for one another every single day free of judgement, terms, or conditions. I have never felt more in love and connected to Ed, even when he is annoying. ;)

This was a year of deep spiritual development and awakening for me. My connection and trust with the universe, new insight and understanding of my abilities, new practices and rituals, and an even clearer connection to my intuition feels incredible. Student of the universe over here. It has influenced every aspect of my life, especially as a mother and entrepreneur. I’ll be sharing a lot more about this in the new year.

I have so much trust moving into 2020, and I think for the first time ever, I can truly say that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I feel it.

Tell me, how was 2019? What have you learned, and how have you evolved?

Stay tuned for the second part of this, my 2020 intentions.

With LOVE,
