Posts in self-actualization
The Status Quo Bias: What is it and could it be keeping you stuck?

If you feel like there is an invisible force keeping you stuck this is for you…

Why do people struggle with psychological inertia, and resist the change that they know they'd benefit from???

The status quo bias is a cognitive bias where a person will subconsciously prefer how things are, and do nothing to make change, even if it is in their best interest to do so. As a result, they maintain the status quo again and again…

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What is Mental Fitness?

“Winners and losers have the same goals.” -James Clear

While I wouldn’t personally call anyone a loser, this quote speaks loudly to me. Winners and losers have the same goals. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want a better life. They want joy and peace; love; fulfillment, good health; financial stability.

29% of people want to quit their jobs and be their own boss.

43% of Americans plan to start a business this year.

85% of people are unhappy at their jobs.

Why are people settling for this?

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