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clinical psychologist | life & mindset coach

molecular hydrogen


Let me be blunt. Your brain is REALLY important. I want your thinking to be clear, your mind to be sharp, and your cognitive abilities not to decline with age anymore than nature intended the process to go.

Nutrition, sleep, and the water you drink matter. This page is solely going to focus on water. Let’s go….

Did you know that a glass of water has the ability to…

  • improve your health;

  • fight off disease and strengthen the immune system;

  • boost athletic performance

  • speed up recovery times;

  • reduce + prevent inflammation in the body and brain;

  • prevent cognitive decline and dementia;

  • reduce stress related detriments on the mind and body;

  • assist the brain in recovering from brain related injuries such as traumatic brain injuries,

  • and so much more!

HINT: IT’S ALL ABOUT THE H2 (molecular hydrogen)

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What is Electrolyzed Reduced Water?

Electrolyzed reduced water is water rich in H2 that is created using ionization technology through an appliance that sits on the kitchen counter. Electricity runs through the water which restructures it turning ordinary tap water into therapeutic antioxidant rich water.

Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a a safe and odorless gas that acts as a powerful antioxidant. H2 is so tiny that it can effortlessly enter any cells within the body, including those within the brain as it can easily cross the blood brain barrier. H2 infused water has been shown to reduce inflammation, prevent cellular death, and boost the immune system. It can benefit every organ and cell within the body.

The majority of illnesses and premature aging is caused by free radicals and oxidative stress. H2 targets hydroxyl free radicals, stopping oxidative stress in it’s tracks.

There are currently over 2000 publications that show the benefits of molecular hydrogen in treating and preventing human and animal diseases.


Additional resources about the water:

incredible testimonial—

“I’m a 72 year old woman.  I have been drinking the water for eight months.  I have severe acid reflux, and was put on two different medications because my doctors told me the reflux could cause cancer.  I was on those medications for eight years, and then learned that the medications I was taking were also linked to cancer.  So I wanted to go off of them asap.  Within one week of drinking the water, I went off both medications, and have been off them since.  It used to be so bad that I couldn’t sleep, and now I sleep great. In addition, I have interstitial  cystitis.  It was so painful, and I have been in and out of the emergency room and urgent care for years and years.  There are no medications for it, and it just feels like a severe infection because of the inflammation.  It is completely gone since drinking the water.  I no longer need an afternoon nap, and feel so great that I just took up cross country skiing this winter.  I’m never sore from working out.  In addition, I clean daily with 2.5 and 11.  I love how there are no strong odors like regular cleaning products.  I was very skeptical about the water and buying a machine, but am really glad that I did because my quality of life has dramatically improved.”

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Want to learn more? Do you have specific questions? Interested in pricing and finance options? Fill out the form below, and I will be in touch.


 Learn more about the water

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Distributing these machines for the past four years has allowed me to work online, create financial freedom, and provided me with passive income streams.

While I stand fully behind this as a stand alone product, the distributing aspect has been a key component for me to create the lifestyle I have always dreamed of.

It would be a disservice not to share about it with you, as purchasing a machine comes with free lifelong distribution rights. You can learn more about the opportunity here.

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