oracle cards: a tool for individuation and cultivating intuition

Individuation is the process of becoming a whole being, developing a relationship with oneself, and the process of becoming the fullest actualized version of the oneself. The term was developed by Carl Jung. It is synonymous with self-realization, cultivating a strong sense of inner knowing, and deeply connected to having a strong intuition.

intuition is a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning, and is something I deeply believe in cultivating. Intuition comes deep from within, involves listening to oneself, and trusting oneself more than any outside voices (which is why I believe many of us aren’t taught to live intuitively. You cannot control a person who has a strong sense of intuition and the will to follow it, but we’ll save that for another day).

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Hey there friends,

Today I’m going to talk about all things oracle cards (but not actually all the things because that would take days to cover), and why I think they’re an essential part of personal development, raising consciousness, and gaining inner wisdom. Before we go there, for those who are scratching their head wondering what oracle cards even are, let me tell you.

A deck of oracle cards vary in number, are unstructured, and free flowing. Each card has a different theme. They are similar to tarot cards (which I love as well), but tarot cards are structured and always the same. Tarot cards have been used for 700+ years, and oracle cards evolved from them. Fun fact: modern day playing cards also evolved from tarot cards! No one knows the exact origin of these cards, but clearly, they’ve stuck around and people enjoy using them.

Oracle cards hold a lot of energy. They can be used to cultivate intuition; develop inner wisdom and knowing; connect with your emotions; thought patterns; and limiting beliefs; gain new perspectives; problem solve, and heal. Oracle cards can be used as a psychological or spiritual tool, a daily meditation practice, a powerful journal prompt, or even just or fun.

But first, I believe that there is some clearing the air and demystifying needing to be addressed. The benefits of using these cards is truly incredible, but unfortunately, there’s sometimes a negative stigma with these practices being associated with the occult, fortune telling, and so forth… and I think that freaks certain people out. This prevents them from gaining widespread acceptance, and I think may also limit many professionals from using them. Can a professional use oracle cards and still be taken seriously? I can only imagine what some of my former psychology colleagues might say about that. I also believe that greater self-knowing and insight is not something that everyone wants society cultivating. Perhaps those stigmas have been reinforced for a reason in the attempt to keep people small and obedient?

But the truth is, at the end of the day, oracle cards are whatever you believe them to be.

So with that said, let’s have an open mind here. Onward…

Where to buy a deck

Choosing a deck can be as random, intentional, or unintentional as you’d like. For my first deck, I just bought the cheapest tarot deck I could find on amazon that came with an interpretation guide. Haha. But you know what? That deck was awesome, and I still use it!

But now I let a deck speak to me. The last deck I bought, Begin (shown in the photos), I felt a super strong calling that I had to have it in my life. It was a very strong pull, and I don’t ignore intuitive messages like that. But truly, you can’t really go wrong here, and shouldn’t overanalyze whatever you purchase for your first deck. Just get one you like (which is listening to your intuition, btw). ;)

How to use a deck

There are so many ways to use a deck… endless possibilities really… from pulling a single card, to various spreads, and incorporating multiple decks into a single session… We aren’t going to focus on that today per se, and remember that most decks do come with a guidebook to help you out. Also, youtube university.

And a little tip, before you use your deck or from time to time when it feels right, cleanse it. You can do so by lighting some sage and smudging it (my personal preference), placing a crystal on top of the deck for a day or two, or putting it out on a sunny day to bathe in sun energy. Do you have to do this? No, absolutely not. If none of that is your jam don’t let that stop you.

I personally love sage because it clears the energy, is a ritual for me, is relaxing, and I associate the smell with mindful “me time.” But if I’m going to pull a quick card in the morning, I don’t do any of that crap. lol. Full time mama here. I squeeze in whatever I can get somedays! But I always close my eyes and take a few quiet breaths and ground myself before I pull whatever card I feel drawn to. I’ll then notice how the card immediately makes me feel with the imagery and words on it, and then research the card if I’m not familiar with it. I can either think about the significance of it while I walk my dogs or make my morning cacao while Bodie eats breakfast, or I can take a little extra time and journal about it. I can also be intentional about what I learned as I go about my day, and that’s really powerful.

Essentially, just ask an open question or do a daily draw card and go from there. This is no right way here.

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As a therapeutic tool

I did some research before writing this blog because I have no doubt that oracle cards hold tremendous therapeutic value. Whether used in conjunction with traditional therapy, or for personal self-help and self-reflection, I know this has a lot of potential to help people. I was excited to stumble upon a couple of studies. That was cool, but honestly, the research is mega sparse and lacking. I honestly think because academic circles just don’t take it seriously because of stigmas... but aren’t they even a little curious as to why this healing tool has been so loved for hundreds and hundreds of years and what the psychological implications are? Anyhow, one study found an association between tarot cards and greater self-knowledge as well as mental and physical well-being. Through interviews, the consensus was that utilizing these cards does lead to greater self-knowing, less stress, and feeling connected. It was also noted in another study that these tools are not suggested for people with paranoia or those who hold fundamentalist religious beliefs… which makes perfect sense. The cards are most fitting for those who are struggling to cope and adjust with everyday issues as well as experiencing stress with their life situation.

The thing is, people who use these cards continually do so for a reason. It becomes a mindful practice, another tool in one’s tool belt to help them process life, everyday stressors and obstacles, navigate their relationships, and the very act of self-care and doing something for oneself has enough reinforcing and therapeutic value in itself to make it worthwhile.

Magical or not, these cards are an ancient healing tool with profound potential as a therapeutic tool in a modern day world. Ask a question, pull a card, get out your journal, and reflect!

As a tool for individuation and strengthening intuition

As Jung said, “the unconscious seems to play with it’s contents.”

Carl Jung focused a great deal on how most of us have lost connection with our whole selves, and that we need to reintegrate. On a very simplistic level, this process involves the integration of our conscious and unconscious selves and encompasses philosophical, mystical, and spiritual areas of human existence to be our whole and true self.

This is a process, and doesn’t just randomly happen. We have to do the work. Oracle cards are a beautiful tool to help us dive deep and explore ourselves. The cards provide doorways to our unconscious mind, and guidance from our intuition to help us live our highest potential. We all have profound inner wisdom. We just think everyone else knows the answer. Oracle cards help us connect with that inner soul level knowing.

My personal experience

Using oracle cards is a sacred and enjoyable experience for me, and I can without a doubt say that they have helped me develop a greater relationship with myself. I trust that the right cards will present themselves to me. I’ve pulled cards that eerily provided me with concepts I needed to hear in that exact moment, and I’ve pulled cards that made me dive deep and become aware of beliefs I was holding onto that were limiting me. I always feel better when I make this time. I have more direction, feel more connected to my purpose, feel guided and supported, know what I need to focus on, and what I need to let go of. I love intentional self-reflection time. I love growing, being in alignment, and working towards the highest version of myself. I don’t take any of that for granted!

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And there you have it.

This really just scratches the surface of this practice. Do you use tarot or oracle cards? Are you curious, but didn’t know where to start? Other thoughts? Comment below.

With so much love,
