Posts tagged stress
Truths, Stress, and Being Real AF

Happy Saturday everyone!

What are you up to this weekend?  We went out for pizza and pineapple cider (so good!) at Whole Foods last night.  We tend to go there a lot because little Bodie is a really picky eater, and I know there are some things he will eat there.  Nothing worse than going out to dinner with a toddler who refuses to eat and is bored.  I won't even go there!

Anyhoo.... This is a follow up to the last blog post that I wrote about stressful times.  Pour yourself a cup of coffee and read along

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Struggles, Sacrifices, and the Stuff that is Hard to Share


I'm going to jump right to the point today instead of my usual long winded intro.  

Lately I've been feeling a ton of stress.  I've been under financial pressure recently, my least favorite kind of stress.  You see, my husband and I both work for ourselves, and that means that we have no sense of security.  I can't count on a steady paycheck ever.  I chose this life, yes...

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