Create Financial Freedom

I feel so called to share this post today. We have to talk about money mindset, right now. I have been chatting with way too many people lately who are defining themselves in lackful terms, literally robbing themselves of the ability to welcome abundance of new streams of income into their lives. It needs to stop.

If you are struggling with your finances, feeling financially stressed, anxious over paying bills, or afraid to invest/spend money, then this is for you.

Money is one of the biggest excuses we use for not following our passions and pursuing our highest calling.

I personally have and continue to work on my mindset (the work is never done, friends). What we focus on, we create. Money is energy.

To me, money is all about freedom… it means supporting my family, supporting my passions and happiness, spending time with my son, giving back… money is how I live by the beach. It is how we are moving into our new bungalow next month by the beach. It has provided me with the ability to access new levels of personal development and growth. Money is a tool for me to fully live and enjoy my time on planet earth. Spending money on life experiences that align with my values is something I will always say yes to.

Money is a tool to access experiences and opportunities that allow us to expand as humans.

Being wealthy begins in your mind. Where you focus your attention is what you create more of in your life.

I just want to add that I fully understand that the concept of using your mind to have more money may be a strange concept to accept at first. It made me eye roll, too, when I first starting learning about this.

Address your limiting beliefs about money.

Become aware of all of your limiting beliefs about money, and practice letting it go. Throughout your life you have adopted a story about money. For most of us, that story is limiting and keeps us small. We’ve been told that “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “we can’t all be a millionaire,” “resources are limited,” and so forth. Just stop. These beliefs will keep you in a place of lack. Money is literally everywhere. There is an abundance to go around. You can have more than you ever need. The only reason it isn’t flowing into your life is the negative money mindset.

Stop talking about how little money you have.

Stop complaining about money, joking about being broke, or arguing for your limitations. Viewing money negatively only reinforces and grows a lack mentality. It will make you feel like you will never have enough, and that you have to cling onto what little you do have (been there, done that). Make paying bills a happy thing, rather than something you dread or avoid. It means you are making an energetic exchange for something that brings your life value! You are blessing your life.

Defining yourself in lackful terms lowers your vibration more. And money does not align with low vibration. Stop using terms like “I cannot afford it.” You can afford anything and everything. Maybe just not right now.

Also, eliminate sayings like “I’m broke,” “I’m poor,” and “I can never have that.” These will get you no where.

Stop judging rich people.

You must eliminate the belief that rich people are greedy, selfish, or somehow bad. Having money does not make you the bad guy or bring out the worst in people. That’s a myth.

Money provides opportunities for ourselves and others. It allows us to be more charitable than we can ever be if we are broke. Having money is a beautiful thing. Let go of any beliefs that having it is bad.

You cannot receive money if you think it is a bad thing. It literally causes you to reject it.

Celebrate other’s financial successes.

I fully get that it can be challenging to celebrate the success of others when you want it so badly, too. It is normal to feel jealous; however, it’s important to identify these feelings because it will harm your money relationship even more.

Celebrate the success of others as if it was happening to you. On an energetic level, this means you are saying “yes” to more money flowing into your life.

Eliminate the thirst for money

Needing nothing attracts everything. When you need (or have a thirst) it means you’re in lack, and when you are in lack you have resistance. Needing something does not attract what you want. I know you’re reading this because you want money, and now I’m telling you to stop wanting money. It’s confusing, right?

Here is the thing, why does anyone want a million dollars? It’s not to have a million dollars. It is the FEELING of having a million dollars. Feel that way, eliminate the need, and then attract the million dollars.

Stop hoarding money.

Whenever you can give money away, do so without hesitating, and say “I will make this back four times". Money is literally a currency which means that you must give and receive. It has to go both ways. When you cling to what you have it means you eliminate the ability to take on more.

Your ability to give is your ability to receive

I love this quote from Kyle Cease: “It’s similar to wanting to own all of the sand on a beach rather than just enjoying the sand around you. You start shovelling sand in your backpack until it becomes so heavy you can’t even move. Is this the same way you become attached to owning other things, limiting you from growth because you spend more time protecting it than enjoying it?”

Stop holding on to things and instead say yes to experiences that can expand you. Everything in life is temporary. Your car is a tool. Your phone is a tool. Cash is a tool. A credit card is a tool…

debt isn’t bad

“You should get out of debt because it’s bad” is a myth!

Understand that debt is not a bad thing. Saying you need to eliminate all debt and just save money is a terrible idea, and based on fear of money/lack mindset. Debt is only bad when it is abused. Invest in good debt that will make you money. Stop investing in bad debt… things like a TV, clothes, more shoes, shit you don’t need, and so forth.

Debt can allow you to create a beautiful cash flow, which is AMAZING. Investments improve your life, make you healthy, or generate money.

I love this quote from Rich Dad, and want to share here: “Just like all the other scams, the idea that you have to get out of debt and stay out of debt to be successful is a lie, and it gets repeated because people don’t have a financial education. They simply don’t really understand what money is, how it works, and how to put it to work.”  Don’t work for your money and debt. Make money and debt work for you!

Practice money mantras

Repeat these money mantras/affirmations daily:

  • the universe will provide me with everything I need.

  • money flows easily to me.

  • I am able to release all financial stress.

  • I am open to money flowing into my life in new ways I did not expect.

  • there are unlimited ways for me to make money.

  • my wealth is limitless.

  • money supports my passions and happiness.

  • money allows me to bless my own life and the lives of my loved ones.

  • I am excited by watching others earn wealth.

  • money is welcome into my life.

  • more money is always coming to me than going out.

Read money mindset books

Please read the following books. They WILL change your life:

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

Money and the Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

The Illusion of Money by Kyle Cease

Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi

And there you have it, friends. Please work on your money mindset. I will continue to work on mine. It feels like the ultimate liberation to release those money fears and beliefs, I promise.

If you have other money mindset activities, books, resources I didn’t list please drop them below!

I believe in your limitless potential, ability to access abundance, and ability to find total financial freedom.

With LOVE,


create financial freedom
money mantras