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Money, work Lindsay Havlicek Bell Money, work Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Create Financial Freedom

I feel so called to share this post today. We have to talk about money mindset, right now. I have been chatting with way too many people lately who are defining themselves in lackful terms, literally robbing themselves of the ability to welcome abundance of new streams of income into their lives. It needs to stop.

If you are struggling with your finances, feeling financially stressed, anxious over paying bills, or afraid to invest/spend money, then this is for you.

Money is one of the biggest excuses we use for not following our passions and pursuing our highest calling.

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Lifestyle, Money, Wellness Lindsay Havlicek Bell Lifestyle, Money, Wellness Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Let’s Rock the Rest of 2019

Hey guys!!

Hey guys!!

You know what’s a bit wild? The fact that we are just about halfway through 2019 already. Is that as shocking for you as it is for me? It’s easy to look back at the goals we created for the year, and if they haven’t happened yet, feel really bad about it. To be totally honest, my year has not panned out the way I thought it would, and I’ve recently made a lot of changes. But you know the irony of all this? The actual ideas and the desires that I wanted are unfolding. It’s just the route I’m traveling is not what I anticipated. I feel really good about it, and love how life is full of these little surprises. I fully trust the process.

Okay, so here are my suggestions for how to help you rock the rest of 2019.

Okay, so here are my suggestions for how to help you rock the rest of 2019.

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