The Status Quo Bias: What is it and could it be keeping you stuck?

If you feel like there is an invisible force keeping you stuck this is for you…

Why do people struggle with psychological inertia, and resist the change that they know they'd benefit from???

The status quo bias is a cognitive bias where a person will subconsciously prefer how things are, and do nothing to make change, even if it is in their best interest to do so. As a result, they maintain the status quo again and again.

Why do we do this?

Because change invites risk, so in order to avoid the discomfort and stay "safe", we aim to keep things the same in virtually all aspects of life.

How is this impacting our lives?

The status quo bias influences us to stick to the decisions we have already made, to settle for mediocracy, and play it small.

The status quo bias negatively affects our ability to make impactful decisions and take aligned action because of a programmed preference for stability. Think of it as part of our operating system. Because of the bias, it is VERY difficult to judge options accurately, and causes people to miss out on so many opportunities... the exact opportunities that are needed in order for a person to achieve their big life goals, find purpose and meaning, and reach their full potential.

if you aim to make the most of your life, you definitely should aim to overcome it.

But how???

  1. Accept, acknowledge, and be aware. it's part of our programming as humans, and it's as natural as breathing. everyone deals with this.

  2. Try to tease apart inherent bias from actual choice. ask yourself: are you not taking action because it's uncomfortable? what does evidence and data support you doing?

  3. Weigh pros and cons. people focus more on what they stand to lose rather than what they stand to gain. Ask yourself, "What is it costing me emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually if things continue as they are?"

  4. Set boundaries and parameters around your decision making. Have clear lines in the sand.

  5. Hire an unbiased set of eyes! the right therapist and/or coach will help you move past bias with objective perspective.

So if you’ve felt like there was some sort of force that was keeping you stuck, you’re not making it up. This is a very real hurdle that needs to be addressed!

Hope this helps!!



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