Woulda, coulda, shoulda...

“People regret their actions more than inactions.” - Dr. Tom Gilovich

According to a Cornell University Study, our most enduring regrets are the ones that stem from our failure to live up to our ideal selves.

When looking back at one's life on their deathbed, 76% of people are haunted by regrets about failing to fulfill their hopes, goals, and aspirations.  They went through life feeling like they were missing something, and they never lived up to their dreams and potential because they accepted mediocracy and complacency.  Most of us are just scratching the surface of our potential.

Seventy-six percent.  That’s a scary high number of people who feel like their gift of life wasn’t fully used, and now it’s too late and time is up…

But the good news is it's not up for you yet.

Food for thought: Do you want to be in the other 24%? If so, what will you do to ensure that you are?

With love,



Overcoming Procrastination


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