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mindset, mental fitness, rebt Lindsay Havlicek Bell mindset, mental fitness, rebt Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Overcoming Procrastination

Telling a procrastinator to just use a planner likely won't do anything. It's not often the lack of planning that causes a person to procrastinate. They procrastinate in spite of knowing when the deadline is approaching.

20% of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. And the other 80% have procrastinated from time to time. I've done it. We've all done it.

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Lifestyle, mindset, Wellness, biohacking, High Vibe, water wellness Lindsay Havlicek Bell Lifestyle, mindset, Wellness, biohacking, High Vibe, water wellness Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Biohacks I'm Currently Obsessed With; Part 1

I have been fascinated with taking care of my body for the last 15 years using holistic practices, plant medicine, yoga, lifestyle, and mindset to not only heal my body of conditions like IBS and acne, but also for preventative reasons and to keep my body and mind running as optimally as possible. It wasn’t until more recently that I learned that this was called “biohacking.” Biohacking is simply the art and science of changing our bodies for optimal health, performance, and wellbeing. Biohacking is a means to becoming the best versions of ourselves. I find it to be incredibly empowering.

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LIFE GUIDE, Happiness, Alignment, mindset Lindsay Havlicek Bell LIFE GUIDE, Happiness, Alignment, mindset Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Alignment before Action

I am a former obsessive action taker. Over-achiever. Over-doer.

What does that mean? It means that I am really good with taking action, making things happen, and so forth. I truly cannot sleep or chill until I bring my visions to life…

That sounds great, but the results were not really showing up. I was constantly stressed, and felt like I was swimming uphill.

Something was not right. So I stepped back, and took a really long hard look at myself.

I have a history of burnout. It’s a pattern that seems to repeat itself in my life.

Feel motivated. Work like crazy. Get frustrated. Feel burnout. Quit.

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