Biohacks I'm Currently Obsessed With; Part 1

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I have been fascinated with taking care of my body for the last 15 years using holistic practices, plant medicine, yoga, lifestyle, and mindset to not only heal my body of conditions like IBS and acne, but also for preventative reasons and to keep my body and mind running as optimally as possible. It wasn’t until more recently that I learned that this was called “biohacking.” Biohacking is simply the art and science of changing our bodies for optimal health, performance, and wellbeing. Biohacking is a means to becoming the best versions of ourselves. I find it to be incredibly empowering.

Today I am going to share a handful of my favorite bio hacks. There is no “one size fits all” here, and practicing biohacking is incredibly individualized. I like to think of it as creating a cocktail. What works will vary since we are all different. My hope is that you get curious, learn something new, and feel a little extra inspired to take care of your body.

Here are five of my favorite hacks…

1) Drinking molecular hydrogen rich water.


Hydrogen rich water (H2) is basically my number one tool for preventative health, reducing oxidative stress, strengthening my immune system, and keeping my energy levels high. Hydrogen is the oldest and most abundant element in the universe. It is a building block of life, and incredibly safe… you actually cannot take too much. Hydrogen balances your cells, and has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier to also promote and heal the brain. It scavenges toxic and damaging free radicals, while leaving the essential free radicals that are bodies need to work properly. It reduces inflammation, and regulates gene expression. If you asked me the one “thing” you should add into your wellness arsenal, this is it.

When I drink hydrogen water (which I do every single day), I feel incredibly energized. We don’t seem to get sick either. I get asked all the time if you can really tell the difference between molecular hydrogen water and tap/bottled water… the answer is yes. I especially notice when I travel and don’t have access to it. While I always seek out filtered or distilled water, it doesn’t have the same hydrating and restorative effects of H2. Please reach out if you would like information about purchasing a machine of your own.

2) Earthing.

Earthing is simply the act of walking barefoot on the earth. Stick with me here. I promise this is not just some weird hippy shit. I became interested in this practice from watching Cody Lundin (who I freaking love) on Duel Survivor years ago. My friend, Allie, in NH also swore by this practice (shout out to Allie if she happens to read this). It wasn’t until I moved to Florida though, and was barefoot all the time that I started putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Earthing has the ability to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, promote better sleep, normalize circadian rhythms, decrease cortisol, reduce anxiety, and increase energy.

We are bioelectrical beings, and the earth is electric. Earth has a negative charge, and we tend to build up a positive charge. Grounding ourselves on the earth puts us back into a neutral state. Sadly, most of us don’t have this contact with the earth. We spend our time indoors, wear shoes, and walk around concrete. While being “normal,” it’s actually far from it. I consciously go barefoot as much as possible, every single day, and make sure little Bodie has his barefoot time, too. 30 minutes is recommended typically, but anything is better than nothing!

3) Ashwaghanda

Supplementing with ashwaghanda is newer for me, but I quickly could tell it was a good fit. Plus, there is a lot of research supporting it’s benefits. Ashwaghanda, or “smell of the horse,” is an ancient Ayurvedic herb that is classified as an adaptogen. It’s been used for thousands of years by humans. Adaptogens help our bodies manage stress. I’m not sure it smells like a horse, but it definitely has a strong earthy smell.

It has anti-cancer properties, helps regulate blood sugar, is an anti-inflammatory, and lowers cholesterol… but the reason I love it so much is mostly because of it’s ability to lower cortisol levels within the body, decrease anxiety and depression, and improve memory. This isn’t speculation, it’s science. In a double blind study, cortisol levels were reduced by 30%, and participants reported a reduction in anxiety by 70%. Another controlled study showed a decrease in depression by 79%. I don’t struggle with anxiety or depression, but stress is unavoidable for humans, even when we try to reduce it. I sleep really well when I take it, and just feel happier.

Ashwaghanda is safe for most people, but please do your research and speak to your healthcare provider. It should also never replace mental health treatment. If you’re depressed or anxious, seek out the professional help you need. This is the ashwaghanda I take.

4) Appreciation Journaling

Most people probably know or practice gratitude journaling, but since studying the Law of Attraction in great detail, I have come to replace my gratitude practice with an appreciation practice. Abraham explains the difference between feeling gratitude versus appreciation as this: appreciation is more in alignment with who you are. Appreciation is a higher vibrational thought than gratitude. It is the absence of resistance and self-denial. It is at the same frequency as pure love. Gratitude places more emphasis on the struggle, like we are not fully worthy but are happy.

Appreciation journaling for me involves getting into alignment first, and then writing lists (or thinking lists) of things I feel good about and appreciate. I find that it puts me in a flow state. There’s no need to overthink. Just write what you appreciate in that moment. It can help to first focus on what is in front of you, physically. It transforms your world completely by shifting your perspective and putting you into vibrational alignment with your highest self.

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5) CBD Oil

I freaking love CBD oil. It is amazing plant medicine. I was skeptical of it for some time because it seemed to be a trend… like the new coconut oil. I am always wary of trends, and really like to do my research before jumping on board. I view CBD oil as I view Kangen water, as preventative health for me, but the therapeutic benefits for helping with specific illnesses is incredibly powerful.

Cannabinoids are known for being anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and good for brain health… to name a few perks, there are many more. The body contains cannabinoid receptors throughout the body and brain which are involved in a variety of physiological processes such as appetite, pain sensation, mood, and memory. Everyone’s endocannabinoid system is unique, and therefore, everyone has different responses to CBD oil. Your body actually makes its own cannabinoids, too, and the system is responsible for maintaining homeostasis within the body.

CBD oil is non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t get you high… not even a little. It is also completely legal in the USA. Full spectrum CBD oil only contains trace amounts (less than 0.3%) of THC (what does get you high). Full spectrum also means that in addition to CBD, there are other cannabinoids like CBG, CBC, CBN, and terpenes which creates a synergistic effect. Terpenes are found in other plants as well… such as black pepper, mango, lavender and so forth.

Since CBD oil is popular and everywhere, it is really important to do your research. You want organic, raw, no additives/preservatives, third party tested, and green extraction methods. I use this one, and take approximately 8-10 drops.

And there you have it. If you enjoyed this at all, please comment below or share with a friend. Questions? Feel free to email me or leave them in the comments.

With LOVE, health, and happiness,



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