the blog

REBT, therapy, coaching, Happiness Lindsay Havlicek Bell REBT, therapy, coaching, Happiness Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Ingredients for a healthy, happy, & satisfying life


Healthy people practice accepting themselves unconditionally, rather than rating themselves. They accept their attributes, positive or negative, and this doesnt waiver even on the bad days. They don't try to prove themselves to anyone.


Healthy people choose to take risks, even when they have some fears, because they want to pursue whatever it is they desire to do in life. They know life is an adventure, and risk-taking leads to achievement, satisfaction, and personal development…

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High Vibe, Happiness, Personal Lindsay Havlicek Bell High Vibe, Happiness, Personal Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Life is NOT on hold; Quarantine Edition

Hey friends,

How is everyone holding up? What a weird time. I have been wanting to get over here and put up a blog post, but nothing felt like the right thing to share… because, well, this is just weird and lots of things seem irrelevant. So I decided to instead open up and just share feelings, thoughts, and insights I’ve gained over the last 3 years, I mean weeks. LOL!

It has not been all sunshine and rainbows over here.

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Alignment, Happiness, LIFE GUIDE, Personal Lindsay Havlicek Bell Alignment, Happiness, LIFE GUIDE, Personal Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Ask the Big Questions

I couldn’t tell you what year it was… maybe 15 years ago… I have a very distinct memory of riding up a chair lift at Whiteface Mountain with an old family friend. They were asking me what I was up to in life. My answer: I was hustling in grad school. I wore the busy-ness badge and paying my dues certificate with pride.

“But are you happy?” They asked?

I remember being really uncomfortable with the question.

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LIFE GUIDE, Happiness, Alignment, mindset Lindsay Havlicek Bell LIFE GUIDE, Happiness, Alignment, mindset Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Alignment before Action

I am a former obsessive action taker. Over-achiever. Over-doer.

What does that mean? It means that I am really good with taking action, making things happen, and so forth. I truly cannot sleep or chill until I bring my visions to life…

That sounds great, but the results were not really showing up. I was constantly stressed, and felt like I was swimming uphill.

Something was not right. So I stepped back, and took a really long hard look at myself.

I have a history of burnout. It’s a pattern that seems to repeat itself in my life.

Feel motivated. Work like crazy. Get frustrated. Feel burnout. Quit.

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Lifestyle, Happiness, Wellness, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell Lifestyle, Happiness, Wellness, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell

The Little Things That'll Change Your Life

Hey there,

How are you today? I know I like to think big and go big, but today we are going to talk about the little things… because little things, day in and day out, lead to those big things in a sustainable long lasting sort of way.

There are little things you can do every single day that are going to completely transform your life. By implementing them, you’ll end up healthier, happier, more mindful, less stressed, and connected. Let’s jump into them!

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Mom Life, Happiness Lindsay Havlicek Bell Mom Life, Happiness Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Running a Business + Being a Mom


I have been totally swamped in motherhood over the past 10 days.  Bodie, who is not an easy toddler in general, got a cold early last week, that turned into a secondary infection last weekend.  He ended up on antibiotics.  My husband and I got the same bug, and went on antibiotics as well.  It's the first time I've had to take them in years!  

Being sick, and being a mom quite frankly sucks.

Being sick, and being a mom to a sick kid sucks even more.

Being sick, being a mom to a sick kid, and a wife to a sick husband is the worst!

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Happiness, Yoga, Lifestyle Lindsay Havlicek Bell Happiness, Yoga, Lifestyle Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Moving Can Be Awesome, but Do This First

As you may know, I recently moved from upstate NY to the the panhandle of Florida.  It's a move that I had dreamed about for years, and still cannot believe that it actually happened.  I love palm trees, balmy air, and water that is so clear and blue that you question if it's real life every damn day.  To get here, I gave up a lot.  I made changes that were uncomfortable, and never looked back.  I'm definitely happy...

...but not because we moved.

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