What is the Law of Attraction?


You’ve probably noticed by now that I’ve been focusing a lot on energy and vibrations in recent blog and social media posts. When I “cleared the air” here, it made me realize that this blog post needed to quickly follow up. I know it’s been covered plenty, but I think hearing where I stand on the topic is useful… basically I want to make sure we are on the same page!

So today we are going to talk about the Law of Attraction (LoA), what it is exactly, my understanding of it, and what this means for all of us. I would also like to clear up any misconceptions about the LoA… because I know there are a lot out there. The LoA is super important for understanding our consciousness, intuition, and how to flow with life easily.

I questioned it’s validity, and the premise of manifestation in general for a long time. I thought it was an excuse not to put in the work. Despite being introduced to LoA in 2009, I was not open to receiving the information. It felt weird and woo-woo… not enough science. What I’ve realized is that just because the science isn’t necessarily there yet— just because we cannot measure something— doesn’t mean there isn’t truth or validity. If you have any of those feelings, I feel you. I just ask that you simply stay open, and ponder these concepts. Take a look at your own life, and see if it resonates with you. For me, it feels rather intuitive. The LoA transcends upon what we already know to be true in the physical world, reminds me just how magical life is, and what I am fully capable of!

Okay, let’s get to it.

Where does LoA come from?

Simple answer: The universe. From Source, God, the Creator… whatever you would like to call it. It’s a universal law, like gravity. It’s always been here, and it’s always working whether you know it or not.

Complicated answer: The term Law of Attraction became “mainstream” by two humans: Esther and Jerry Hicks. There are other texts, but most of us were introduced to the LoA through these humans, or the movie “The Secret.” Without going into too much detail here, Esther channels Abraham. Wait what? I know. When I first wanted to learn about the LoA, I went on to Amazon to find an Abraham Hicks book… I was terribly confused that all the books were by Esther and Jerry. I finally figured it out. Lol. So, if this throws you off, too, just stay open to possibilities.

What is it exactly?

The LoA is “that what is like onto itself is drawn.”

Like attracts like.

Birds of a feather flock together.

We are all magnets for attracting things onto ourselves. We are creating our own experience whether we know it or not.

The best way I was initially able to conceptualize this is through the idea of self-fulfilling prophecy, in which a belief about something causes it to be true. Or the placebo effect, in which our beliefs alone produce an outcome. Of course self-fulfilling prophecy and the placebo effect are not taught in the books to have anything to do with LoA, but I believe that they are actually connected! It’s just that LoA is at the atomic and subatomic level, think quantum mechanics. We live in an energetic universe, and LoA works with energy, vibrations, and frequency.

The more I study quantum mechanics, the more LoA resonates with me. I won’t pretend I understand it all… it’s actually incredibly confusing at times. But what I do get is that research has demonstrated that the very act of observing reality creates it, that observation can make things appear that weren’t there, and particles can become entangled so that doing something to one does something to the other— instantly. There’s a lot of really bizarre things happening in our universe right now that goes against conventional thought… and we are made up of that same energy.

Back to LoA… Vibrations of similar source attract similar things of the same vibrational source. Our emotional state is what dictates our vibration.

If our emotions are positive, we vibrate higher, and attract good things.

If our emotions are negative, we vibrate lower, and attract not so good things.

This is why the better it gets, the better it gets, and on the flip side, the worse it gets, the worse it gets.

So if you think a thought with powerful emotions behind it, you create, intentionally or unintentionally. Manifestations are experiences unfolding on the physical level. LoA is always working whether you are using it to your advantage or not.

Default vs Deliberate Creation

Most of us walk around living and attracting by default, thinking that somethings in life are great while others are crappy. It’s just because we don’t have an understanding of LoA. Everything you see right now is a manifestation whether it was intentional or not.

Good things happen, we feel good, and more good things happen. We don’t carry resistance in those areas. But then there are our problem areas, where we carry negative energy, and lots of negative momentum. You know those areas in your life. For me, it was my relationship with money. The more I would struggle, the less money I would bring in, and the worse I would feel, and so forth.

When we aren’t focused on the LoA we just feel our emotions based on what life is currently throwing our way. We create more of our current reality.

When people say the Law of Attraction doesn’t work…

The LoA is incredibly simple in writing, but applying it to life is more complicated. I really do not believe that the people who say it doesn’t work fully understand and have mastered using it.

It’s not about just thinking “I want to be a millionaire.” It doesn’t matter what you say. It doesn’t matter if you journal about it. It doesn’t matter if you create a vision board. It is the vibration of you. It is the feeling.

The majority of us carry around a lot of resistance which cancels out our wants. So if you say “I want to be a millionaire” and then there is a “but” somewhere behind that, even subconsciously, it blocks you from receiving.

And this is where it gets extra tricky… if you feel a desire, a wanting, a hunger, then you are “needy” and not the vibration of achieving it. Wanting money is not a vibrational match for money. The universe doesn’t respond to needy energy. In fact, wanting creates a lack or feeling of scarcity which makes you attract more lack.

To flow, you have to feel as if you have it already. You must be vibrating at a high level… which leads me to alignment…

What is alignment?

Alignment is feeling good, and connected to our own inner being and intuition.

It’s not about the ego or material things. Shiny pennies do not put us into alignment or fulfill us. For me, most days I get into alignment by doing things like enjoying a cup of coffee, petting my dogs, taking a walk, practicing yoga, going to the beach, and so forth. It’s a calm, peaceful, and content energy.

When we are aligned, we are able to attract and manifest what we desire.

When we are our of alignment, we attract and manifest things we likely do not want.

Being in alignment is CRUCIAL to being a deliberate creator. I spend each and every single day making my alignment a priority, whereas I used to do all the things, and then would work on feelings good in my spare time. It never worked, I was swimming upstream, and burning the candles at both ends.

So what does this mean for all of us?

This means that we all hold amazing power within us to deeply transform our lives. We do not need to overcompensate though force to get where we want to go. Through this understanding, and daily practice/experience, we can live elevated and joyful lives. We can manifest beautiful things, and flow effortlessly with life. The universe is able to provide… stay open to opportunities.

Please remember: Life is meant to be enjoyed.

And there you have it. This only scratched the surface of LoA,but at least we are on the same page now. If you’d like to learn more in the mean time, check out the audio version of Law of Attraction by Esther + Jerry Hicks.

Let me know what you think below. Are you new to LoA? Do you believe?

With LOVE,


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