Take the Leading Role in Your Health: Be Empowered

Hey friends,

How are you?

So much has been on my mind these days when it comes to health and freedom… I mean, how can it not be right now with life flipped upside down? While I steer clear of the majority of mainstream news, I can’t help but notice this trend in thinking that we are helpless until a vaccine comes to rescue us in a year, or two years, however long it takes really. In addition, as we move forward with plans to reopen the country, why isn’t health and optimizing the immune system front and center? It should be! The reasons it’s not discussed is really something to think deeply about.

There is a lot of fear mongering at play making most of us feel scared and helpless, and my aim today is to empower you and remind you that you have the leading role in your health. Before all of this went down, we were not healthy as a whole (in general terms). Our lifestyles, our stress levels, our mindsets, the foods we choose to fuel our bodies with, the information we take in… none of it really promotes health, and a great deal of it is actually toxic and cuts us off from connecting with our highest selves.

What we were doing before this pandemic wasn’t working.

The body knows how to heal itself when we take care of it. Our bodies in fact know how to do a lot of things that we cannot fully grasp or recreate in a lab. We live and operate within an energetic universe, and our bodies are a part of this energetic system. We have a physical body and an energy body, and they both mirror each other. Energy must be allowed to flow freely. Keeping the cells clean and eliminating and removing obstructions are key to keeping our bodies healthy, decreasing disease and illness, and aging beautifully as nature intended.

The body knows how to fight pathogens. Our bodies have been fighting them off from the get go. When we are flowing free from obstructions, our immune systems are nothing short of miraculous. We have to remember that viruses are all around us, at all times, and always will be, including covid-19 now. It is not going to just disappear in a few weeks. We are always breathing in viral particles at all times of the year. Exposure to a virus does not mean you will get sick; and lack of illness does not indicate the lack of presence of a virus.

The key is keeping your cells clean, energy flowing, and your immune system strong to not only fight off whatever not so nice virus comes your way, but to also set the foundation for a beautiful, abundant, and joyous high vibrational life.

You are not helpless. Let’s dive into it.

  1. Eat a plant centered diet, with lots of organic raw foods, low sugar, and include fermented gut friendly foods like kimchi and miso daily. Remove processed, highly refined, chemically laden, and dead foods. Plant centered does not mean vegan per se… You can still eat high quality meats, just make sure plants are front and center, and pay attention to how they make you feel. Food comas should not be normal. Include a daily green juice and you’re good to go.

  2. Drink clean high quality water. I cannot emphasize the importance of water enough. Your body is over 70% water. Think about that for a second. Tap water, while highly efficient and cheap, is horrible for you. It might not kill you instantly, but it is poisonous, acidic, and toxic to the body. Bottled water leaches plastic, and disrupts hormones. The best water you can drink is pure and electrically reduced water, meaning alkalized and full of hydrogen which heals you from the inside out. This water works synergistically with the body, is life-generating, and healing. As you all know, I drink, love, and share Kangen water with the world. You can learn more about that here.

  3. Be mindful of what you put on your body, and shower in. Please stop showering in chlorinated water. Simply put: when you put chemicals on your skin, they enter the bloodstream. To make matters worse, inhaling chlorine gasses (chloroform) in a hot shower is incredibly toxic for you and your little ones. We personally use an Anespa shower filter. Use natural oils and products on your skin only. Coconut oil is one of my favorites.

  4. Move and stretch your body. The human body is meant to move, and move a lot. Ideally, we should be walking miles per day. Sitting for extended periods of time goes against what the body is meant to do, yes, even if you do go to the gym. There’s also no need to pound the pavement or do anything grueling which leads to oxidative damage and stress. Just move. Preferably in fresh air. Try yoga, walks, swimming, bouncing on a trampoline, surfing/SUP, gentle jogging, dancing, biking, long boarding (my favorite), fun team sports, etc.

  5. Get a lot of sleep. Sleep is when your body does it’s major repair work. It’s a time that emotions are reset, stress is reduced, and our brain does all the things (way too many to list here anyhow). Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night depending upon your needs and activity. Protect your sleep fiercely. Go to bed and wake up around the same time each day for your sleep/wake cycles.

  6. Biohack with superfoods and adaptogens, which are an amazing addition to a healthy diet. Some of my personal favorites are ashwaghanda, amla, cacao, chlorella, spirulina, and various mushrooms like lions mane and reishi. I highly recommend this book to help guide you.  Superfoods like cat’s claw, elderberry, and echinacea are also amazing if you are sick or feel like you’re coming down with something. It’s important that you do the research yourself or speak with someone who knows this stuff inside and out! This stuff is no joke, and needs to be treated as medicine.

  7. Get lots of fresh air and breathe deeply. The more time you have your windows open or spend time outdoors breathing deeply the better. Breathing deeply bathes your cells in negatively charged air, floods the body with oxygen, alkalizes the body, removes acidity and toxic substances from the body, reduces stress, and boosts energy levels. Also have plants in each room to purify the air. Maybe you’ll become a crazy plant lady like me.

  8. Get sunshine. Vitamin D is essential to health. The sun is the most powerful healer, cleanser, and regenerator available to us. There is a reason it makes us feel amazing. Sunbathing washes us in life-force energy. It’s powerful and should be respected and honored of course. Let’s take note from our intuitive mammal friends who are not sunbathing in the middle of a summer’s day. The problem is that most of us are not clean enough to really enjoy the benefits of the sun. We spend the majority of time indoors, covered up, consuming things that should not be consumed, and then go on vacation and fry ourselves while covered in toxic chemicals, essentially baking them right in. Main stream sunscreen is cancer causing, so if you are out for long times during peak sunlight opt for a hat, sun shirt, or non-nano zinc oxide like this one (what I use on Bodie) or if we are spending the whole day at the beach.

  9. Make mental health as important as physical health. Destructive thinking patterns will always block wellness. You just cannot have clean and healthy cells and a toxic mind. A daily practice that works on mindset, clear thinking, and unconditional self-acceptance is crucial. Practice meditation to decrease mental chaos, clear and balance the mind, understand your thought patterns, connect with your spiritual self, and root yourself within the present moment.

  10. Be mindful that toxic waste must leave the body! The more you cleanse, the more elimination of waste must take place. To be blunt, pooping once a day is not nearly enough. Neither is two times. So many Americans suffer from constipation and go days without eliminating. Waste must leave the body or it just reaccumulates. Colon cleansing, sweating, dry brushing, lymphatic drainage, etc. are beneficial, and I highly recommend learning more.

While this only really scratches at the surface I hope it inspires you to take your health into your own hands, dig deeper, and don’t settle for the side lines of your life. When you take care of your body, your body will take care of you.

Knowledge is power.

With LOVE,


This is strictly my opinion, and is intended to provide helpful material. These opinions to not replace medical, health, or any other kind of professional services.  Please consult with your medical or other competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions.


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