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biohacking, High Vibe, Nourish, Wellness Lindsay Havlicek Bell biohacking, High Vibe, Nourish, Wellness Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Take the Leading Role in Your Health: Be Empowered

Hey friends,

How are you?

So much has been on my mind these days when it comes to health and freedom… I mean, how can it not be right now with life flipped upside down? While I steer clear of the majority of mainstream news, I can’t help but notice this trend in thinking that we are helpless until a vaccine comes to rescue us in a year, or two years, however long it takes really. In addition, as we move forward with plans to reopen the country, why isn’t health and optimizing the immune system front and center?

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Nourish, Personal, High Vibe Lindsay Havlicek Bell Nourish, Personal, High Vibe Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Quitting Coffee and Choosing Freedom

I’ve been into healthy eating and living for over a decade, and while it is a huge part of my life, I’ve always believed in being flexible and keeping a bit of an open mind. Anything that feels too rigid to me is not sustainable. I like to eat from my intuition rather than from strict guidelines even though 99% of the time, I choose the healthy option. My diet these days is plant-centered, the majority of it being raw, because that’s where my intuition is guiding me.

However, there was one area my life that I tossed intuition to the sidelines

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High Vibe, Nourish Lindsay Havlicek Bell High Vibe, Nourish Lindsay Havlicek Bell

My Daily Green

I have been drinking green juice for about ten years. I actually wrote a blog post on it way back in 2014 when I knew nothing about blogging or even the deeper benefits of drinking green juice that I am going to share below. (You can find that old post here). After becoming a mama, I became less consistent with my daily juice because #momlife.

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Wellness, Nourish Lindsay Havlicek Bell Wellness, Nourish Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Superfood Acai Bowl, Beach Style

Hey friends!  I hope you all had a beautiful week!

I cannot eat enough acai bowls lately, which you know if you follow my Insta Stories.  Several of you have asked for the recipe, and now the wait is over!

Acai bowls are not only incredibly delicious, but they are beyond amazing for your body and mind, and I truly believe that combined with other positive lifestyle choices, can really do wonders for you. There's a million different ways to make one, but I have created a "go to" recipe that is simple yet packed with nutritional benefits.  I crave these, and notice that I have so much energy throughout the day when I eat them.  

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Nourish Lindsay Havlicek Bell Nourish Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Easy Magical Soup

My husband and I have been fighting off what I'm hoping is just a cold for several days now.  For the first few days I barely ate.  Today is a different story.  Look out!  My appetite came back, and then some.  I knew that this meant I needed to eat highly nourishing and healing foods.  So voila, Easy Magic Soup!

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