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Authenticity, Alignment, life design, self-actualization, REBC Lindsay Havlicek Bell Authenticity, Alignment, life design, self-actualization, REBC Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Unveiling Self-Actualization: What It Really Is (and Isn't!!)

I recently saw a post in a Facebook group about striving to embody your full potential. The comments were flooded with people sharing how they once tried, only to find it self-defeating, exhausting, stressful, and leading them to chase perfection. They concluded that the concept was just too hard and unattainable.

I've been reflecting on this for a while, pondering the ideas of "self-actualization" and "highest potential." What I've realized is that there are some major misconceptions about these concepts. None of this is supposed to make you stressed out, feel like you're failing, or make you feel like a loser.

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life design, mental fitness, self-actualization Lindsay Havlicek Bell life design, mental fitness, self-actualization Lindsay Havlicek Bell

What is Mental Fitness?

“Winners and losers have the same goals.” -James Clear

While I wouldn’t personally call anyone a loser, this quote speaks loudly to me. Winners and losers have the same goals. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want a better life. They want joy and peace; love; fulfillment, good health; financial stability.

29% of people want to quit their jobs and be their own boss.

43% of Americans plan to start a business this year.

85% of people are unhappy at their jobs.

Why are people settling for this?

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