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Lifestyle, Personal, Business, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell Lifestyle, Personal, Business, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Resigning from the 9-5

I recently stumbled upon my letter of resignation sitting in a dark corner of my Dropbox folder. In some ways it feels like a decade ago that I submitted it, even though it was really just 2015.

You know how there’s this fantasy that writing that letter will be this amazing and liberating experience? You’re talking to your boss, and you’ve had it, and you just pull it out, and run out of the building as if you’re reclaiming your life?? (please tell me I’m not the only one who thought about that on the drive to work every single day for seven years).

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Lifestyle, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell Lifestyle, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Why Minimalism?

Why not minimalism?  Just kidding.

As my personal and professional life have drifted towards minimalism I often get weird perplexing looks from people, as well as the frequent, "why on earth would you want to live that way?" questions about my lifestyle choices.

Let me take you back.  Years ago, I had a lot of stuff.  If you don't believe me, you can ask my husband.  

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Lifestyle, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell Lifestyle, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Live on Purpose 101

One day I realized that I was totally lost.  I knew I had more to offer this world, but couldn't quite put my finger on it.  I "had it all," yet felt like I had nothing I wanted.  I  worked for years to have the big degree, the great job, the beautiful home.  I worked out, drank green juice, practiced yoga...  why was I totally unsatisfied?  How could that be?

Have you ever googled "what should I do with my life?" I have.  More than once, too.

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Wellness, Lifestyle, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell Wellness, Lifestyle, LIFE GUIDE Lindsay Havlicek Bell

A Simple Stress Relieving Exercise

I couldn't sleep last night. I was in my bed, Bodie was fast asleep (for once!), and yet I was wide awake.  I couldn't relax my body. I felt so much tension and stress. Why? Well, I haven't done yoga in 4 days. I haven't meditated. I haven't made time to chill out. I've been working on my laptop until midnight for several nights in a row.  No wonder I was so stressed!

A quick relaxation exercise, which I am about to share with you, combined with a little deep breathing and I was snoozing... like magic!

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