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Lifestyle, mindset, Wellness, biohacking, High Vibe, water wellness Lindsay Havlicek Bell Lifestyle, mindset, Wellness, biohacking, High Vibe, water wellness Lindsay Havlicek Bell

Biohacks I'm Currently Obsessed With; Part 1

I have been fascinated with taking care of my body for the last 15 years using holistic practices, plant medicine, yoga, lifestyle, and mindset to not only heal my body of conditions like IBS and acne, but also for preventative reasons and to keep my body and mind running as optimally as possible. It wasn’t until more recently that I learned that this was called “biohacking.” Biohacking is simply the art and science of changing our bodies for optimal health, performance, and wellbeing. Biohacking is a means to becoming the best versions of ourselves. I find it to be incredibly empowering.

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